Sunday, September 05, 2004


Ok, so I wasn't cooking breakfast with a flashlight at six in the morning this time. There was still bacon though. Most of the day's meals involved the cast-iron skillet, which, I must say, is recovering quite nicely. It fell out of use over the summer and began to rust a bit. A couple of batches of bacon later, it's looking pretty good. I made a grilled mozzarella and tomato sandwich today, using a regular pan to fry the sandwich, and the superhot cast iron pan as a weight. Sort of like a make shift panini press. Had there been a grocery store open, I could have bought some basil or maybe some prosciutto. As it was though, still a good sandwich. I think with a little more preparation, this type of thing could get a lot better. I'll be sure to post something about it next time.

Dinner was bacon and some hash browns, all made in the skillet again. I probably should have rinsed and wrung out the potatoes a little more thoroughly. Actually, I didn't really rinse them at all, so they were a bit starchy. Not bad though. Really, they were an afterthough, as I had a pan of bacon fat just sitting around. I like the idea of bacon for dinner. I'll have to do it more often.


At 4:42 PM, Blogger RevBLK said...

i like the idea of bacon for dinner too.


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